More information is provided by downloading the Information Leaflet and Enquiry Form below:

KGH Information Leaflet

About the KGH - Join Us.

Join Us - Enquiry Form

Information and Enquiry Form. About our existing encampments, basic rules for joining our Order and a short enquiry form. NOTE: All information is processed in accordance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act (2018).

Reopening No 5 Col Cameron Encampment.

No 5 Colonel Cameron Encampment GUOKGH (E) 18th July 2024 Notice: To Whom It May Concern Dear Sir Knights and Comrades NOTICE OF RECONSTITUTION – NO. 5 COLONEL CAMERON ENCAMPMENT With the approval of the Grand Executive Committee acting in counsel, and with the agreement of the Wearside District, notice is hereby given that whereas the No. 5 Col. Cameron Encampment was in suspense and previously being part of the Wearside District, it is now reconstituted and transferred to the Teesside District with immediate effect. The encampment shall reopen under the command of Arch Knight Counsellor Clive Warham OM, as Knight Commander of the Encampment, at 1930 hrs on Friday, 16th August 2024 at the Coronation Inn, Acklam, Middlesbrough, TS5 8AY and thereafter quarterly, at such times and dates for which notice shall be issued. Now this invitation is given with fraternal greetings to all members of the Encampment, Officers of the Grand Encampment, to all Past Grand Knight Commanders, and to all those knights elected to membership of the Order of Merit of the GUOKGH, as honorary members of the encampment, and also to all those knights and companions ever initiated into the Order who wish to attend as visitors, to assemble in good order and discipline, under the command of the Knight Commander, to dispose of the business of the encampment. Thereafter comrades shall spend the evening in harmony and the exchange of fraternal greetings, and the meeting to be followed by a festive board, at cost, by those wishing to attend. See menu and prices at: Registration will be £1. RSVP to by Friday 2nd August 2024. God Save the King.